Hello! I haven't been keeping up with my blog very well. I have, however, been crossing things off my list on the margin to the left, as probably only the most watchful have actually noticed. Of note - I voted for Barack Obama. Vince, Megan and I spent the evening at the Drawn-In Cafe around the corner from our house. There was a TV hooked up and people from around the neighborhood gathered to await election results. It was a really cool evening, and everyone sat and stood around the TV watching Obama's acceptance speech in awed silence. It was a very special moment, forgive my sentimentality.
I learned to knit. I've got the basics down pretty well, and I started a project that I'm going to have to restart because I made it too small. So, it was small, but it was pretty! :) I feel that I can safely cross that one off the list.
I tried a new cuisine: Ethiopian! We went to Abay Restaurant in East Liberty on Halloween. It was fun because neither of us were familiar with the food, so we just ordered whatever sounded good and laughed as we tried to scoop food into our mouths with the injera. I saved a copy of the take-out menu.
We bought new fish. We've had them for over a month now, and none of them have died. Our tank looks fantastic.
I joined a book club! It's an online club using Google Groups, and its composed of Postcrossing members! There is an assortment of people involved - about 15, I believe - from all different countries. Some have joined to help improve their English, others just for the fun of reading, like me. Our first book is Persuasion by Jane Austen, which we are to have finished by the end of the year. It's been fun so far. I guess I should start reading the book. :)
An update: I did finish Vince's teeth-cleaning regimen successfully, and I am continuing to follow it. Self-improvement at its finest.
I bought an address book and filled it up. Check.
I have discovered that one of the things on my list that I thought would be fairly easy may actually prove to be quite difficult, and that is drinking only water for two weeks. I tried it for one day and couldn't do it. I have to do it three times!
I have been reading quite a lot, and feel confident that I will complete my 101 books without a problem.
Sorry to have kept you waiting for an update! Hope this satisfies the masses! :)