So I'm going to mosey on down my list and see what I can get accomplished. I have a five-day vacation coming up and I'll have some free time to get stuff done. After looking my list, I've decided upon a few things I will accomplish during my vacation:
#3: Finish my purple skirt. It's almost done anyway.
#49: I will begin the Artist's Way creativity program.
#31 & #89: Will move towards accomplishing these goals by participating in our neighborhood yard sale. (It's not eBay, but money is money.) If you're reading this and you live in Pittsburgh, you better come! Lyman Street yard sale, multi-family, 8-2 on Saturday, June 13. Be there!
#98: Create a time capsule - a fun thing to do on my time off.
I will report back on Monday to tell you all about how I accomplished my goals. Woohoo!