So, in my world, March usually means spring is coming. Which is great, except that it's not true. It's 19 degrees F here, or -7 degrees C to all my world friends. Not very springlike at all.
So, the main purpose for my post here is to let you all know that I imported all my posts from my other blog, Postcard Voyager, to this blog. I get a lot more traffic here, and I think a lot of you would be interested in the postcards. And technically it's related, since one of the items on my list is related to Postcrossing. :) Anyhow, I haven't been updating the Postcard blog very often, so there won't be too many postcard posts here.
I started on my skirt again, the purple crocheted one, and I am very near to completing it. AND, I've decided that the month of March will be my month with no candy. I think it's going to be pretty tough for me, so any support is appreciated...I love candy, and I have a hard time staying away. But I am nearing the completion of my Couch to 5K Running Program, and in the spirit of getting fit and healthy for spring, I think getting rid of candy will be a good idea.
Hi Katie) Here is March too, but the snow is to be till the end of the month. And there are places where the snow could be in May. But we have SUN finaly! Real spring sun)
Try to change candy for dryed fuits. I own exploit is 4 years without chocolat.
Good luck in no-candy life))
Do you get lots of snow there? In Malta we have NEVER had any snow (although I did experience snow once in England when I was about 6 years old). And the lowest (temperature-wise) has never been below 1-3 degrees C! Must be chilly over there!
Oh, you can send candy, I'll just save it until April to eat it. :) And we do get snow here pretty regularly in the winter, but I don't think we often have more than a few inches on the ground. We'll probably get snow a few more times in March, and by April the snow is usually gone for good. Other places in the US get much more. It is bitterly cold today though...-13 C right now. Brrrr. :)
that explains the huge number of postcard related posts i saw when i logged in this morning! ha ha. nothing wrong with that though. i gave up with my postcard blog. too much like hard work to scan all the cards though i might just go do the 4 i got this morning.
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